Robert Friedman of and Ten X #64

Robert Friedman Blog


Bruce Norris is joined once again by Co-founder and Chairman of National Recreational Properties, Real Estate Disposition Corporation (REDC),, and author of Auction Revolution and soon to be released How to Make a Fortune at Real Estate Auctions, Robert Friedman. Bruce and Robert talk about the process lenders currently use to exit properties, coping with unrealistic sellers, why the real estate auction method makes talking to unrealistic sellers easier, what percentage of properties close, not working will sellers that are truly unrealistic, how real estate auctions work with lenders, how long it takes to go from contact from a lender to live auctions, after the auction process, how many auctions can take place in an area per year, reserving the right to bid on behalf of the seller, shill bidding and why its currently a common practice, ethics and shill bidding, if REDC sees investors as playing a larger part in the future, if prices are going to correct further, dealing with lenders now compared to the 1990s, dealing with Wall Street versus lenders in the last cycle, having decisions makers in the audience to accept or reject offers, REDC’s clients, REDC’s lender of choice, how that relationship helps during the auction, if the buyout of Countrywide is going to affect the business, the inventory in this cycle compared to the last downturn, if auctions need more structure and regulation, the perception of real estate auctions in the public and if those perceptions are changing, broker participation, Robert’s upcoming book and when it will be released, the different types of auctions REDC does, Robert’s involvement in the Big Brothers and Big Sisters program, – REDC’s live real estate auctions, – live land auctions, – online land auction, – real estate developer closeout auctions.

Real estate visionary Rob Friedman is the co-founder and Chairman of National RecreationalProperties, Real Estate Disposition Corporation (REDC) and Together these three companies comprise one of the largest real estate and auction businesses in the world. His real estate firms have sold tens of thousands of properties grossing billions of dollars, the majority through real estate auctions.

Since the age of 24, Rob has been investing in all types of real estate including land, residential and commercial. While his first love is land and land development, Mr. Friedman has multiple shopping centers in development and owns strip centers, automotive dealership locations, fast-food locations and numerous other types of properties across the country.

Mr. Friedman is the co-author of “Auction Revolution” and the soon to be published “How to Make a Fortune at Real Estate Auctions.”

In addition to his extraordinary success in Real Estate, Mr. Friedman was among the first to recognize the potential of the internet. He has numerous online ventures including and, two leading online sports entertainment and e-commerce websites. He also sits on the board of Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Orange County.



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