Bruce Norris is joined this week by President and CEO of The Compliance Group and panelist for I Survived Real Estate 2008, Annemaria Allen. Bruce and Annemaria discuss if the current mortgage meltdown was caused by relaxed guidelines or cause by lenders not following guidelines, if compliance issues are federal or state in nature, what state auditors look for when doing audits, what auditors are trained to do, where fraud was most prevalent, example of loan fraud, stated income example, what makes a loan more marketable, the important of compliance and quality control in loans, things lenders might do that makes it unlikely they will sell a loan, appraisal issues in the current market, declining values and lenders not understanding markets, the current market for refinancing, the psychology of the consumer when the market is going up, the difference between mortgage broker and a mortgage banker, who decides what the rules are for the mortgage industries, how new ideas and rules are suggested to decision makers, lobbying for change, the loan compliance guide, if passage of HR3221 will change things, how quickly new rules are implemented, non-owner occupied financing currently available, how the industry sees non-owner occupied financing,,
Annemaria is President and CEO of The Compliance Group as well as the Founder of the company (2001). Annemaria has an extensive 20-year background in the mortgage lending industry and has worked for several large financial institutions as Compliance Manager and in mortgage banking. She is an ABA Compliance Graduate from the University of Oklahoma, and has received training in MBA, ABA, and FNMA and Freddie Mac requirements. She is a member of the MBA, CMBA and has Chaired the Sub-Compliance Committee of the Mortgage Quality Assurance and Compliance Committee. She is much in demand as a public speaker, is a published author and seminar participant, and has attended both the University of Oklahoma and Palomar College.