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ISRE 2020

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October 30, 2020


Virtual Event via Zoom


The Norris Group

I Survived Real Estate 2020

Date: October 30, 2020

The Norris Group’s annual award-winning event, I Survived Real Estate, is back for TWO special nights. Due to Covid-19, our regular event at the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California had to be canceled. HOWEVER, our 13th annual black-tie gala that benefits Make-A-Wish and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital will continue. Since 2008, together we’ve raised over $940,000 for charity! We hope to cross the $1 million mark this year at a time when it’s needed most.

The event is more important than ever this year. We’ve broken the evening into two virtual events. The Residential Real Estate Town Hall is Friday, October 30, 2020 which brings in experts from all over California to discuss what’s happening in their area, how investors/landlords are adjusting, and trends they are seeing in the market. Then, on Friday, November 6, 2020, we bring together and an expert panel in the commercial and national real estate investor space to discuss the very different journey commercial is experiencing and how investors are positioning for the year ahead.

I Survived Real Estate was created during a year in crisis. Our industry faces more uncertainty than ever. This unique event brings together impressive voices throughout our industry. And this year, we bring back the legends that have seen it all, and local experts to share what they are seeing in their market.


We haven’t missed I Survived Real Estate since 2008 and the pandemic isn’t stopping us now. We launched I Survived Real Estate 13 years ago in the midst of massive disruption. This year, it may be a different kind of disruption, but this event is more relevant than ever.

We are forced to pivot to a virtual event this year. So… to make it worth your while, we’re making some unusual and exciting changes.

Last week, we began our Rhony Legacy Series. We’re bringing back all our Rhony winners to tell us what they’re doing, what they are seeing, and how they are advising their networks to proceed in the current market. These mentors have seen a cycle or two so you won’t want to miss their insights.

I Survived Real Estate = 2 Virtual Nights! 

Yes, two. Our May Real Estate Investor Town Hall was such a hit, we’re bringing it back, with a twist and a bonus.

Friday, Oct 30th – California Residential Town Hall
Recorded live via Zoom 5:30-8:30 PDT

Night one, we bring the majority of the team we featured in May’s Town Hall to cover our industry in markets throughout California. From San Diego to Sacramento, you’ll here from experts what’s happening in the local market, trends caused by migrations, local regulatory hurdle, and how investors are responding to the pandemic. Our panel features:

  • SDCIA, Lenska Bracknell
  • NSDREI, Derek harms
  • Norcal REIA, David Granzella
  • FIBI, Christina Suter
  • CAA, Ben Benoit
  • IVAR, Paul Herrera
  • OC REIA, Kathleen Cramer

Friday, Nov 6th – National Commercial Town Hall
Recorded live via Zoom 5:30-8:30 PDT

The Commercial Town Hall is something we’ve never done before. You’ve been asking, we deliver. AND… it’s the week of the election. Many are concerned. As a nation, the two parties have very different approaches to the market and investors need to be savvy as to wear risk and reward lies. Keep in mind that states and municipalities can’t print money the way the Fed can. Our industry has never been more under the microscope.

We’ve been helping investors 1031 out of California into Florida for two years now. Bruce even moved in July! We invite this very experienced group of commercial and national volume investors to chat about presidential outcomes, impacts post elections, state and local reactions political ramifications to real estate, commercial vs. residential, and how different categories of investments are expected to do in the year ahead. We are thrilled to welcome:

  • Bill Allen, 7 Figure Flipping
  • Marco Santarelli, Norada Real Estate Investments
  • Kathy Fettke, Real Wealth Network
  • Neal Bawa, Grocapitus
  • Tom Wilson, Wilson Investments

The Bonus Session!
Saturday, Nov 14th – Financial Tactics Brunch

All costs associated with I Survived Real Estate are underwritten by The Norris Group so 100% of all sponsorship money and ticket sales go to support Make-A-Wish and St. Jude. This year is the same. We may not be at the Nixon Library enjoying a meal together, but our mission is the same and we are very close to reaching $1 million raised since 2008.

As a special Thank You, when you sponsor or pay to attend I Survived Real Estate, you will also be an invited guest to our annual Financial Tactics Brunch. The Norris Group, Keystone CPA, and uDirect IRA Services do our best every year to make this event packed with trends, tax, and financial strategies not often covered. After the election, this will be one you won’t want to miss.

See all details on the event at www.isurvivedrealestate.com

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October 30, 2020


The Norris Group
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