Scott Whaley

Scott Whaley 

President of Real Wealth Expo, VP of National REIA

Scott Whaley is President of the Real Wealth Family of Cos., acting Vice President of the National Real Estate Investors Association (National REIA), and the producer of the Real Wealth Mind Revolution program for superior personal performance and achievement.

For over 25 years, Scott Whaley has studied, implemented and coached others on the use of enhanced performance psychology tools. These tools include certifications as a trainer of NLP, Master Hypnotherapist and numerous other change focused systems. He was the first coach hired and helped design and implement the coaching program for the highest paid coach in the world, Anthony Robbins. He was promoted to the position of Master Coach for that organization within one year and is an authority on the Science of Achievement and Peak Performance. Scott has an extensive 14 year background in real estate from land development, owning his own investment and brokerage firm and mortgage loan officer as well as working as an asset manager for the RTC (Resolution Trust Corporation-the cleanup for the failed S&L Bubble).

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