I Survived Real Estate 2008 part 1 #83

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For the next several weeks we’ll be taking a break from our regular interviews to air the I Survived Real Estate 2008 event over the radio. The event took place August 23, 2008 at the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda California. The event proceeds went to benefit the Orange County Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Over 400 attended the live event, many more online via Proxibid who aired the entire event nationwide online over the Internet, and many more will watch the videos online.

This event was about solutions for our ailing real estate industry and to help an important cause. Eight industry experts from different real estate sectors converged to discuss how we got here, where we’re going, and how we move forward together and prosper in the coming years. This is a rare opportunity to hear how leadership from the Realtors, builders, investors, mortgage industry, auctioneers and service providers each would approach and solve issues in the current real estate market.

If you’ve been listening to the past 8 shows on the radio, you’ve been introduced to the panelists one by one. The event officially kicked off on June 21st with the first interview prepping the audience for the live event. Video of the live event is also available at thenorrisgroup.com under free resources.

This first radio segment starts of the show with Aaron Norris introducing the event, introducing the amazing Platinum Sponsors, introducing the speaker from the Orange County Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the introduction of Bruce Norris, Bruce talking about the importance of this event, the introduction of Christopher Thornberg, Christopher’s presentation on the current state of the real estate downturn and what we should expect in the coming year.

Special thanks to the following partners and sponsors without whom the event would not have been possible:

Platinum Sponsors:

The San Diego Creative Investors Association (SDCIA): sdcia.com

Investors Workshops: investorsworkshops.com

Frye Wiles: fryewiles.com

Proxibid: proxibid.com

White House Catering: whcatering.com

MVT Productions: mvtproductions.tv

Pechanga Resort and Casino: pechanga.com

The Denver Nuggets: nba.com nuggets

The Chicago Bulls: nba.com bulls

The Cleveland Cavaliers: nba.com cavaliers

Gold Sponsors:

7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score and Philip X. Tirone – 7stepsto720.com

Chicago Title – ctic.com

Elite Auctions – sellwithauction.com

Foreclosure Trackers – foreclosuretrackers.com

Investors Resource Center of America LA and Steve and Robyn Love – irca-losangeles.com

Las Brisas Escrow – lasbrisasescrow.com

National Club of Real Estate Investors and Sam Saddat – ncrei.com

Northern California Real Estate Investors Association (Norcalreia) and David Granzella – norcalreia.com

North San Diego Real Estate Investors and Linda Wessels – nsdrei.org

RealtyTrac – realtytrac.com

RE Ventures and Michael Pines – reventuresrealty.com

Real Estate Investors Club of Los Angeles and Phyllis Rockower – realestateclubla.com

Real Wealth Investor and Scott Whaley – realwealthinvestor.com

Saddleback Valley Communities – svc4.com

Silverstar Finance and Janet French – silverstarfinance.com

Sunset Hills Memorial Park and Mortuary – sunsethills.cc

The Mission Inn – missioninn.com

The Mortgage Equity Group – http: themeg.net

The Naked Real Estate Investor Club – Rosie Nieto – nakedrealestateinvestorsclub.com

The Short Sale Processor and Nick Manfredi – theshortsaleprocessor.com

Virtual Real Estate Tour and Layla Tusko – 1wealthcreation.com

Wholesale Capital Corporation – wccmtg.com

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