Christopher Thornberg is an expert in the study of regional economies, real estate dynamics, labor markets and business forecasting. In 2006 he co-founded Beacon Economics, an economic research and consulting firm that specializes in real estate markets, local economic development, and public and private policy issues.
Dr. Thornberg has established a reputation as one of the state’s leading economic forecasters. In December 2007, he was appointed to California State Controller John Chiang’s Council of Economic Advisors – the body that advises the state’s chief fiscal officer about critical economic issues facing California. Dr. Thornberg also serves on the advisory board of Paulson & Co. Inc., one of Wall Street’s most successful hedge funds. He has been involved in a number of special studies measuring the effect of important events on the economy. These include the NAFTA treaty, the California electricity crisis, port security, California’s water transfer programs, and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
Prior to launching Beacon, he was an economist with UCLA’s Anderson Forecast where he regularly authored the economic outlooks for California, Los Angeles, and the East Bay. He also developed a number of specialized forecasts for various regions and industries. He previously taught in the MBA program at UC San Diego’s Rady School of Business, and held a faculty position in the economics department at Clemson University.
Dr. Thornberg received his Ph.D in Business Economics from The Anderson School at UCLA, and his B.S. in Business Administration from the State University of New York at Buffalo.